Our meeting on Friday will begin promptly at 11:30 AM via Zoom (link posted at the bottom of this email). It is scheduled for one hour. I hope to address all items below in that timeframe, but if we are unable to, I will schedule another meeting for November or December to continue our discussions.
Here is our agenda:
- Hello and Welcome
- Upcoming Membership Coordinator Opening and Special Election
- Fall and Spring Membership Events
- Update of Ongoing Issues/Grievances at SSU
- Discussion: SSU Issues (members are invited to share general issues affecting APA employees that are specific to SSU)
- Discussion: Items to be Added to Next Contract Negotiation (membership is invited to submit issues to be addressed in the next round of contract negotiations, for Rosa to present to the statewide Executive Board for consideration)
- Conclusion
If you are unable to attend the meeting, but would like to share SSU issues or items to be discussed in the next round of contract negotiations, please feel free to email those to me. If you’d like to keep anything off the SSU servers, please use a private email address and send the message to ssuapa@rosataormina.com.
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