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- Introductions
- Rosa – President
- Derek – VP
- Chris – Membership Coordinator/Treasurer
- Brian – Secretary, Grievance Officer
- Mike – Grievance Officer
- Vacancy coming up for Membership Coordinator/Treasurer
- More information will be sent out
- Review membership roster
- Coordinate with state on chapter membership
- Reach out to new employees who are eligible to join APA
- Stipend position
- Eligible employees are not automatically in the union
- People moving from AFSCME to APA need to be aware of transfer
- Fall and Spring Membership Events
- Forming an APA committee (from membership) to discuss
- Contact Derek Barr to coordinate
- On or off campus
- Social event funded or not (e.g Happy hour – not funded)
- Chair massages (funded)
- Breakfast (funded)
- On-going Grievances
- Salary adjustment policy
- HR has 90 days to review
- Created their own policies with new timeframes
- Contract does not stipulate a date for implementation
- Grievance process
- Step I – Siobhain Feeney
- Step II – Rita Colucci
- Step III – Arbitration
- Goes to statewide executive board for approval
- Each step has timelines, but with mutual agreement can be postponed
- Commencement
- No other state university in MA require employees to work commencement.
- All other universities do volunteers
- Based on volunteering for Move-In, we are confident we can move to a confident model for Commencement
- Requested re-instatement of a compensation model, which we had before
- It is not uniformly applied across departments (what is given and what is allowed to use)
- Not contractual
- Number of Commencements have increased
- Failed at Step I
- We will move to Step II and if fails there, we will push for Step III
- Anyone can challenge violations of the contract
- Work From Home/Remote Work Policy
- HR created their own policy that was more restrictive than one already negotiated at the State level
- Policy was generic to all unions, which made APA sound like there were hourly constraints
- Commencement language
- Only Phase 1 Depts
- Will request full list
- Anyone can request WFH, but not guaranteed
- Tuition Reimbursement Discussions?
- 9 State Universities – each has its own deal
- UMass employees have a nice deal
- AFSCME has a nice deal
- APA at SSU has a terrible deal
- Everyone at SSU should be getting the same deal
- Contractual Issues (what would people like to see in next contract)
- New contract before the current one expires?
- Stipend for performing the work for subordinates who leave
- WEA given if already scheduled for time off
- Changes to Eval process
- More confusing that previous
- No guideline as to where the line is between “Meets” and “Does not meet” Expectations
- Step increases for APA members
- Promotions are not given out in an equitable fashion
- 0 reduction in Social Security for public employees
- Increase in Meal reimbursements
- Stipend that is just paid out
- Covering for colleagues during Leave of Absence
- Other
- We (APA board) should be getting job descriptions from HR. This is not something we get in a timely fashion.
- HR not providing job descriptions outside of immediate area
- HR will not allow the use of “comparable positions” outside of SSU (including UMass)
- What is Flex Scheduling vs Alternative Scheduling
- When does it need to be used?
- What is Work to Rule
- Strict confirmation to only what is explicitly written in the contract.
- Should (extra) time be accounted for in SSTA?
- State wants us to only put in what your normal work day is