This morning we received word from the DHE that the APA contract has been approved and will be funded, and I have a letter from Commissioner Santiago that confirming that I can let the membership know.
I would like to profusely thank each and every person who took the time and made the effort to contact a local legislator or government official and explain the APA contract funding issue that we were facing. This is clearly what influenced the decision makers to work favorably for the membership. I have received many compliments on the content and “respectful” and “informative” nature of the communication. In short, you did an awesome job that ultimately resulted in a successful endeavor to get this work done.
Thank you.
The Union and DHE will be addressing the remaining steps to schedule the payout to members. The DHE has reached out to discuss the process. A conference call will be scheduled before Monday. Although this has been a frustrating time for all parties, including the DHE and CoP, there was a huge background effort to get the funding approved before the deadline. I would like to recognize the CoP, particularly Vincent Pedone, for his efforts to keep the issue at the forefront of everyone’s attention. The DHE worked to retain the interpretation we ALL had for the “parameters” and kept the message on track as the process moved forward. The membership’s commitment to keep the pressure on was, of course, the overarching factor in getting the job done.
Please appreciate your Local Chapter President. They are an amazing group of men and women, whose dedication to the membership is outstanding. Their professional efforts on behalf of the APA make working for our union a privilege.
Best regards to all. Thank you for your patience and support. As always, we will keep you updated as APA Agreement funding becomes a reality.