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- Responses about Grievance email
- Ask for more information
- Only want to do 1 ceremony
- Many high-profile people are in favor of moving forward
- Next Steps
- When we get the assignments, people need to respond with “based on my job description, I am not required to perform these duties”
- Inundate them with individual grievances
- On-going abuses of APA employees
- Not allowing breaks
- Forced work outside of scheduled hours
- Reached out to state AFSCME
- Overlap in duties
- Do not know their timeline, if they will take-on
- Change of job descriptions w/o member’s knowledge
- Putting through “promotions” without acceptance (signatures) from members
- Lack of contract language (dates) update
- Health & Welfare benefits (dental) does not require dues-paying membership
- Are getting list of new-hires who haven’t signed up for Union
- Still do not have a printed contract
- Dental coverage still a concern
- Statewide committee has not been meeting
- Current Grievances
- Discussion with Brett regarding grievances. He has been more responsive
- 199 paying members